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Upcoming volunteer opportunities


From Ed’s weekly newsletter, some upcoming chances to help out:

October 18 on Poplar When you hear the words, “Hazardous Materials”, do you think of ship preservation? Tar, turpentine, linseed oil, paint and all the other preservatives used in the course of our work would make a mighty fuel source. In the interest of reducing our stockpile of old hazards, the volunteers are asked to help with a clean-up of the barge. Philadelphia is holding a Hazardous “Ship”-hold Waste Disposal day on October 18 between 0900 and 1500. We’d like a couple of drivers who have pickup or trucks and live in the city limits to help move the pile for safe disposition. We’ll also need hands on October 18th, from 0800 to 1000, to offload materials from the barge to the vehicles.

October on Gazela

A beautiful view of tall ships from Penn's Landing, October 22, 2013.

A beautiful view of tall ships from Penn’s Landing, October 22, 2013.

Thanks to all who helped get Gazela ready for Baltimore. It was a big push to get her painted and rigged. There are still some items to finish up and gangway boxes moved around before the next big event. I’m willing to host two Wednesday night work parties (Oct 1 and Oct 8) to finish the rig tarring on the foremast. Be nice to have shiny stays.

Gazela’s next public appearance is the Old City Seaport Festival on October 10-12. The Guild would also love your help with the WHYY Membership Drive on Saturday October 18, from 8-11 am. While helping WHYY, the Guild gets great publicity for the crew and ships.

If you would like to help out with any of these events, you can email Ed at

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